On Unconventional Creativity, Tea And Making Decisions: Kinship Milk Tea

In anticipation of our upcoming markets, we’re touching base with a few of our vendors about what it means to nurture your creative self, as well as your community.

Today, get to know Caitlin Cash, the founder of Kinship Milk Tea.


Kinship Milk Tea is handcrafted in Austin, Texas in small batches. Made from the highest quality ingredients, we put our hearts into every batch, every time. Strongly brewed loose leaf tea, a splash of oat milk, and a touch of raw cane sugar—drink it straight from the bottle or pour it over ice to help energize your day! 

1. Describe Kinship Milk Tea in three emojis.

🍵 😈 🔥

2. What does being a creative person mean to you? How do you claim your creative identity?

I am the daughter of two photographers. Growing up, I never believed that I got any of their creative genes. It took me a long time to realize that creativity comes in many different forms and it doesn't have to be the traditional painting, drawing, sculpting avenues that I understood as a child (although I am so in awe of any artist in those mediums.)

Finding my creative space in founding Kinship has brought so much joy to my life—taking an idea and running with it, being bold, making mistakes, trying again, and voicing exactly what you want to put into the world has been such an incredible experience. I am taking ownership of my creative identity through Kinship by trusting the process and the vision. 

3. Looking back on the last year, what have you learned from your business or creative work?

The most important thing I've learned is to keep making decisions and moving forward, even if you aren't 100% certain that those are the most perfect decisions or they haven't been vetted to the Nth degree. 

As a business owner, I put so much thought into every single interaction, marketing decision, new product idea, etc. and sometimes, it can become overwhelming or paralyzing. I learned that it is best to go with it and then figure it out in the moment instead of taking too long to make decisions! 

4. Describe the feeling you get when you make something new that’s in line with your vision.

Pure joy, followed by imposter syndrome, followed by more joy and acceptance. It usually takes me a little while after I step back from what I'm making to really appreciate the full vision and embrace it for what it is.

5. How do you get into the headspace to make something new?

By getting that apron on and tinkering in the kitchen! Making tea has always been such a zen zone for me, and I love researching and developing new flavors or mixtures. More to come soon on that front! 

6. If you could collaborate with any vendor on The Front Market lineup, who would it be?

Oh—Corrie Pocta Ceramics! I absolutely love their work! Tea cup collab!?

7. What do you hope for the future of Texas?

I hope that we get our shit together and keep fighting the good fight.

8. What has the word “community” come to mean to you this last year?

Community are those people around me that help me shine my light brighter. They are there for me on the bad days and there for me on the good ones too, walking next to me, lifting me up and encouraging me to put out my best every single day! 

Entrepreneurship is challenging and often a lonely road, and whether it is a friend who reaches out and asks what's the latest or how they can help, or a customer who comments on social media, or a shop owner with an awesome smile—all of these small interactions make such a huge difference! 

On the Kinship bottles, it says fueled by community, and there is no truer statement.

9. What are some of your goals for 2022?

My goal would be to continue to expand where Kinship Milk Tea is carried, both in Austin and outside of it. Spread the milk tea love, y'all! I want to collaborate with more makers both in and out of the food/beverage industry in Austin. There's so many cool people doing cool shit! 

10. Is there anything else you’d like to include that I didn’t get to cover?

I'm just thrilled to be here and to show up, surrounded by all of these badass creatives in this town. It brings me so much happiness to share what I've created with Kinship Milk Tea and equal amounts of happiness to support other creatives in Austin. Let's keep lifting each other up!


You can browse the 190+ vendors on holiday season lineup here.


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